Friday, 10 August 2018

Omega 3 DHA Fatty Acids - The Brain Meals

It is true, the Omega 3 DHA oily acid is brain food. The DHA nourishes our brain, allowing it to rebuild dead brain tissues and maintain its health. The brain is comprised of some sixty per cent fat. Of these, 20 or so grams are DHA oily acids.

The brain utilizes vast amounts of DHA to help us keep our sanity. The focus of DHA in the brain is higher than in any other organ. If the DHA levels get low, then they cause our serotonin levels to drop also. This puts us at likelihood of mood swings and times of depression and other emotional disorders.

Omega 3 DHA is not only used for our brain. It is also used to benefit our heart. It thins our blood and lowers our blood pressure. comngrnd Omega 3 DHA is also used to strengthen our hearts and minds electrical system, which helps to stabilize our minds rhythm. And may assistance to prevent arrhythmias.

We used to obtain all the Omega 3 we needed by consuming several meals of fish per week. Nevertheless sadly this is no longer possible due to the pollution in the worlds oceans. Now to obtain the omega 3 we need on a daily basis, we need to have a purified Tissot 3 fish oil supplement.

Tissot 3 is a natural anti-inflammatory. When taken on a regular basis it help to relieve the pain and the inflammation often associated with arthritis rheumatoid. I can tell you now, the rumors about the firm in Brand new Zealand putting out an omega 3 /DHA product that has double the anti-inflammatory properties of other highly concentrated oils, are true.

Now you must be sure you only buy an Omega 3 supplement that has been purified by molecular distillation to get rid of the impurities such as business lead, mercury and the PCBs and more. Oil that has been cleaned by this process is the purest you can buy. Indeed some individuals call oil that has been purified this way, pharmaceutical quality fish oil.

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